TRODAN is an acronym initiated recently to reflect all the Lower Atmospheric Research facilities/projects at the Centre for Atmospheric Research, Anyigba. TRODAN which a stand for “Tropospheric Data Acquisition Network” is comprises of;

  • Atmospheric Monitoring Equipment Network (AMEN)
  • Microwave Propagation Project (MPP) and
  • Micro Rain-Radar Projects (MRRP)

These facilities are networks established to provide our own terrain real-time research data to the scientific communities in Nigeria and at a global scale.

Prior to this initiative, the dearth of data in this part of the world became a hindrance to the research communities. The initiative

is therefore design to centralize, simplify and solve the difficulties experienced by the Nigerian scientist while searching for a data for the lower atmospheric research among

others. Thus, these three research projects are dedicated research facilities for frontline characterization of the Nigeria troposphere, hence the need to integrate them and bring them under one umbrella, that is, TRODAN. Hence, the AMEN, MPP and MRRP projects network has metamorphose into TRODAN, to incorporate all the available facilities in the lower atmospheric research area. Figure bellow shows the diagrammatic representation of the initiative.

March 2025

As at today the AMEN, MPP projects have registered success with the usage of the data in undergraduates‟ projects, postgraduates‟ thesis including PhDs. Many research papers publications both locally and internationally, have also been achieved. Each of the projects that made up „TRODAN‟ is fully described below except the projects that are coming up now, highlighting the Instrumentation, Spread, Data etc

Tropospheric Data Acquisition Network (TRODAN)-Automatic Weather Stations Currently measure nine (9) parameters as follows: Rain Rate, Solar Radiation, Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Soil Temperature, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Barometric Pressure, and Voluntary Water

Station Code Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E)   Elevation (m)
Abuja ABJ 9.0667 7.4833 536
Akungba AKB 6.984833 5.597842 175
Akure AKR 6.964125 4.604775 131
Anyigba ANY 7.298861 6.829728 420
Bauchi BAU 10.036086 9.693964 575
Enugu ENG 6.857817 7.407819 359
Jos JOS 10.7 8.963858 981
Lagos LAG 6.434389 3.322639 7
Lapai LAP 9.059333 6.829728 242
Markurdi MKD 7.373553 8.811881 140
Minna MIN 9.572394 6.422447 223
Nsukka NPS 6.857817 7.407819 359
Nsukka NSK 6.857817 7.407819 359
Ogbomoso OGM 6.770808 3.429056 78
Port Harcourt PTH 4.784836 6.991839 20
Redeemer's RDM 6.874108 3.543475 88
Sokoto SOK 13.130525 5.315022 302
Yola YOL 9.292661 12.390747 260

To apply for TRODAN data you need to know the Station Name and Code that you have to fill in your data request form.

Download the form here


Apply Online


The Nigerian Environmental Climatic Observing Program (NECOP): The dearth of quality research data generated from Nigerian terrain for research purposes prompted the establishment of NECOP. NECOP project was established in 2007 after a series of meetings with the committee on Science and Technology in the National Assembly of Nigeria. In 2007,  Centre for Basic Space Science in Nsukka collaborated with the Centre for Climatic Research, Newark, Delaware, U.S. in the area of weather and climate and subsequently the project took off with manpower training in the U.S, and thereafter, the deployment of an Automatic Weather Monitoring Stations to characterize Nigeria on a country – wide scale. The project has drawn scientist and engineers from around Nigeria in a coordinated campaign to observe and monitor climatic and meteorological conditions within Nigeria.

When the Centre for Lower Atmospheric Research was created and later to full fledge Centre for Atmospheric Research, Anyigba was project was totally transferred to the centre. The centre rename the project to ‘Atmospheric Monitoring Equipment Network (AMEN). Henceforth, the project name is AMEN.



  • To establish a network of stations carrying out, simultaneous basic measurements of meteorological & climatic variables, in real time, at five minutes update cycles.
  • To provide real time data for scientist and researchers interested in atmospheric research and relevant fields in Nigeria, African and world at large.
  • To have a fully computerized real-time online data achieve for dissemination so that the research results from Atmospheric groups will support decision and policy making under a wide range of scenarios of meteorological and climatological threats in Nigeria.
  • To develop a real-time data acquisition and delivery system as an important tool for public education and awareness purposes during emergency management events.
  • To extend AMEN project beyond the present number of stations, to cover all the states in Nigeria at first with the hope of expansion to neighboring African countries.
  • To produce after a long period of data collection and analysis a comprehensive technical report of the analysis results meteorological and climatic conditions in Nigeria, so that these results will assist in designing future equipment that suits our terrain.