Following continuous agency restructuring for greater productivity and efficiency, CAR-NARSDA has a new Director/CE Dr. Ibrhim Yakubu Tudunwada on the 8th May, 2023.

The new Director/CE was well received by the Center's management and staff and immediately began working with them to find new and better ways to build on the accomplishments of the outgoing Supervisory Director in carrying out the Center's mission in accordance with the Director-General's expectations.

The NASRDA Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is a world class research and development center committed to research and capacity building in the atmospheric and related sciences. CAR is dedicated to understanding the atmosphere—the air around us—and the interconnected processes that make up the Earth system, from the ocean floor through the ionosphere to the Sun's core.

CAR was established by the National Space Research and Development Agency in 2013 to provide research community with state-of-the-art facilities and services that can compete with the international standard.

We continue to deliver on this mission for over a decade today. CAR provides the atmospheric and related Earth system science community with education opportunities, capacity-building, support and real-time observational datasets from reliable resources using advance equipment.

CAR staff comprises of scientists, engineers and administrators that works with collaborators at various universities and research institutions around the world to ensure the facilities and resources meets the demands and contributes in solving scientific challenges in policy making and national planning for a sustainable ecofriendly environment and conducive atmosphere for a living. This is communicated through scientific publications, outreach and workshops.

Dr. Ibrahim Yakubu Tudunwada is currently the substantial Director leading the activities of the Centre.

Former Supervisory Director/CE from 8th November, 2022 to 8th May, 2023

Dr. Najib Yusuf Galadanci obtained a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Physics with specialization in atmospheric Physics, is the former Supervisory Director that lead Centre for Atmospheric Research of the National Space Research and Development Agency, situated at Prince Abubakar Audu University, Campus, Anyigba. from 8th November, 2022 to 8th May, 2023.

Dr Najib Yusuf Galadanci

Former Director/CE from 1st January, 2013 to 8th November, 2022

Professor Babatunde RABIU is a Professor of Physics who headed the hems of affairs of the Centre for Atmospheric Research of the Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency located within the Campus of the kogi State University, Anyigba from 2013 to 2022.


Handing Over Note

The Director/Chief Executive of CAR Prof. Babatunde Rabiu A, who headed the hems of affairs of the Centre from 2013 to 2022, handed over the responsibility of leadership authority on the 7th of November, 2022, to Dr. Najib Yusuf in an acting capacity in the presence of CAR management team. It was a moment of sober reflection when the former Director, appreciated the management of CAR for their support over the years which has contributed significantly to the achievements recorded so far in the Centre. Dr. Najib bagged his PhD in physics from the prestigious Bayero University Kano, worked in the area of space and atmospheric physics within and outside Nigeria particularly his visit and collaboration with Atmospheric Chemistry Observation and Modeling Laboratory at the NCAR in Boulder, Colorado. Prior to this date, Dr Najib headed the R & D division of the Centre and coordinated the Tropospheric Data Acquisition Network (TRODAN) project as well as heads the lower atmospheric dynamics and modeling unit. The Acting Director appreciated Almighty Allah for his mercy, and also express gratitude to the outgoing Director and the Director-General (NASRDA), Dr Halilu Ahmad Shaba, for counting him worthy of such executive position. He promised to continue with the solid foundation laid by the outgoing director and enjoined the entire management and staff for their cooperation, dedication to duty and support in order to ensure the smooth running of administrative affairs of the Centre towards achieving its mandates.

CAR: From a little beginning to greatness

This report tells the story of the Centre for Atmospheric Research from inception through the first nine years


Observation and Measurement of Particulate Matter

CAR-NASRDA has join a global network for real-time observation and measurement of particulate matter particularly PM1, PM2.5 & PM 10. Particulate matter pollution is an environmental health problem that affects people worldwide, but low- and middle-income countries disproportionately experience this burden. In 2016, indoor and outdoor air pollution caused an estimated 7 million deaths

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COVID-19 Update

Daily spatial distribution of cases of Coronavirus over Nigeria provided by the Geoinformation Society of Nigeria

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Space Tourism Society Africa

Affiliated with Space Tourism Society headquartered in Los Angeles, USA. Our Main Goal is to arouse interest of African universities students in space science and technologist and non-space related activities.


GNSS TEC (AfriTEC) 2.3

The AfriTEC model is a model of the ionospheric GNSS TEC over the entire African region (Longitudes 25 degree West to 60 degree East, Latitudes 40 degree South to 40 degree North). The model can be used to obtain the ionospheric GNSS TEC at all locations over the African continent. For this version of the model (version 2.3), usage is encouraged to be restricted between years 2000-2022. The model is updated biennially

Space Weather Nowcasts and Forecast

Space weather is fast becoming a global concern. Space weather refers to the conditions in space environment that have impact on space-dependent technological systems. Today's world is driven by space technology. Communication-, satellite-, navigational- , aviation-, and Information technologies, are some of the mostly patronized space-dependent technologies in the world today. Millions of Nigerians have continued to patronize space-dependent technologies whose functionality and efficiency are prone to space weather hazards. The NASRDA Centre for Atmospheric Research has 'Space Weather' as one of her main agenda and has hereby set up a daily space weather nowcasts for the benefits of the public and in particular patrons of space technology dependent systems/ operations. This platform starting from 16th January 2018 shall present daily space weather nowcasts for global usage.

Space Weather Daily condition
Date: 17 January 2023; 09:46 UT

Summary of Space Weather
Big sunspot AR3190 has a 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class solar flares. The geomagnetic conditions are quiet at all levels. The solar wind speed has declined .

Space Weather parameters / observations;
Sunspot Number: 186
10.7cm Flux: 228 sfu
Solar wind speed: 456.1 km.s-1
Solar wind density: 8.18 protons.cm3
Kp: 1.67
Bz: 0.57 nT (South)
Bt: 4.00 nT
Dst: -6 nT

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Source of Information: -
International Space Environment Services # World Data Center for Geomagnetism # Space Weather # Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology # Space Weather Prediction Center, NOAA # WDC- Sunspot Index and Long-term Solar Observations

Daily ionospheric Map







Our Missions are: To understand the behavior of the entire spectrum of the Earth’s atmosphere and related physical, biological, and social systems; To promote capacity development in relevant atmospheric sciences as a way of facilitating international competitiveness in research being conducted by atmospheric scientists; and To disseminate atmospheric data and products to users towards socio-economic development of the Nation



Our Mandates are to provide a sound education, research and knowledge in: lower atmosphere; Upper Atmosphere (Ionospheric/Magnetospheric physics); Atmospheric chemistry and environmental science; Geomagnetism; Environmental research; tropospheric and trans-ionospheric radio propagation research; Solar physics, Solar Terrestrial Interactions, Space Weather; Human space technology Initiative; Space debris

October 2024