Edited by
A.B. Rabiu and O. E. Abiye
A Publication of
National Space Research and Development Agency Federal
Ministry of Science & Technology


Abiye, O. E., Matthew, O. J., Ayoola, M. A., Akinola, O. E., Ajao, A. I., Babatunde, O. A., Sunmonu, L. A. Potential effects of hot-buoyant air pollution plume emitted from an industrial volume source on near-source and near -surface atmospheric stability

Irivbogbe, H. E. and Ishola, A.Y. Urban flood risk modelling and assessment of a part of Eti-Osa L.G.A in Lagos State.

Omojola, J., Akomolafe, G. F., Adesuji, E. T., Labulo, A. H. and Odey, M. O. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles in a simulated microgravity condition.

Okere, B. I., Akinnagbe, O. M., Rabiu, A. B., Adebayo, R. A., Fayeun, L. S., Musa, I. A., Patrice O. and Kayode A. O. Preliminary study of the effects of Orgone Accumulator Charged Seeds on growth and yield of Maize and Okra in Rainforest Agro-Ecological zone of South West Nigeria.

Aladodo, S.  S., Akoshile, C. O., Ajibola, T. B., Falaiye, O. A. and Sani, M. Monitoring and estimation of aerosols and air pollutants relations using multi- sensor satellite and ground remote sensing over Ilorin a sub-sahel.

Omoya,  F. O., Ajayi, O. K., Afolami, O. I. and Odetunde, E. T. Air pollution; Adverse effects on plants, animals, humans, microorganisms and food – a review.

Okon, E. O. Urbanization, industrialization and air pollution in Nigeria: review of health, climate change and economic implications.

Ojo, J. S., Ojo, O. L., Oluleye, A. and Tomiwa, A. C. Preliminary assessment of cloud-pollution-precipitation interactions and intra-event trends over a tropical region using vertically-pointing micro rain radar.

Aweda, E. D. and Famoritade M. B. Evaluation of harmattan dust events over Kano, Nigeria

Sharafa, S. B., Tijjani, B. I., Ibrahim, B. B., Abdullahi, B., Shehu, S. J., Sulu, H. T. and Salawu, M. A.  Seasonal variability of aerosols and their radiative impacts on sub-saharan African climate during the period 2000-2015 using MODIS data.

Akinyoola, J. A., Ajayi, V. O.,  Oluleye,  A. and  Eresanya,   E.  O. On the understanding and estimates of dust deposition in the West Africa region.

Aliyu, A. S. Temporal variations in concentrations of NO and NO2 in the Business District Area of Abuja, Nigeria.

Sani, M., Akoshile, C. O., Rabiu, A. B., Ajibola, T. B. and Aladodo S. S. Variation of aerosol optical depth obtained from ground and satellite-based measurements at 550nm over Ilorin.

Kanu, M. O., Meludu, O. C., Basavaiah, N. and Oniku, A. S. Magnetic and metal pollution studies of top soils from residential areas of Jalingo metropolis, Taraba State, NE Nigeria.

Falaiye, O. A. and Aweda, F. O. ineralogy of harmattan dust over Iwo, South Western Nigeria.

Oluwafemi, F. A., Oke, A. B., Afolayan, E. M. Investigation of watermelon seeds growth under simulated microgravity and its advantages to agriculture sector.

Akomolafe G. F., Adediwura S. C., Adesuji E. T., Joshua E. S, Labulo  Omojola J., A. H. Microgravity-induced early growth and anatomical alterations in Corchorus tridens (Bush Okra).

Oluwafemi, F. A., Patel, D., Lakmal, Y., De La Torre, A., Kamaletdinova, G. R. and Lousada, J. Microgravity effect in a long-term manned mission.

Okwu-Delunzu, V. U., Oweifghe, W. J. and Ugochukwu, U. C. Assessment of air quality levels in heavy traffic areas in Enugu Urban, Nigeria.

Paul, S. H., Gajere, E. N., Iliya, J. J., Yakubu, L. I., and Akpan, D. E. O. Air Quality: Legislation and advocacy in Nigeria.

Ikani, O. and Oladipo, O. A. Estimation of Total Electron Content gradient over Nigeria.

March 2025