Centre for Atmospheric Research (CAR) is an activity Centre of the National Space Research and Development Agency, NASRDA, with Headquarters along the Airport Road, Abuja. The Director General and Chief Executive of our Agency is Dr. Halilu Ahmad Shaba. Our Agency is a parastatal under the Federal Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. Our Centre is strategically located within the Campus of the Kogi State University, Anyigba.

The NASRDA Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is a world class research and development center of NASRDA committed to research and capacity building in the atmospheric and related sciences. CAR is dedicated to understanding the atmosphere—the air around us—and the interconnected processes that make up the Earth system, from the ocean floor through the ionosphere to the Sun's core. The NASRDA Centre for Atmospheric Research provides research facilities and services for the atmospheric and Earth sciences community.

Our Missions are:

  1. To understand the behavior of the entire spectrum of the Earth’s atmosphere and related physical, biological, and social systems;
  2. To promote capacity development in relevant atmospheric sciences as a way of facilitating international competitiveness in research being conducted by atmospheric scientists; and
  3. To disseminate atmospheric data and products to users towards socio-economic development of the Nation


Our Mandates are to provide a sound education, research and knowledge in: lower atmosphere; Upper Atmosphere (Ionospheric/Magnetospheric physics); Atmospheric chemistry and environmental science; Geomagnetism; Environmental research; tropospheric and trans-ionospheric radio propagation research; Solar physics, Solar Terrestrial Interactions, Space Weather; Human space technology Initiative; Space debris

October 2024