2019 Monograph of Atmospheric Research
Call for Submission of Full Manuscripts

The Centre for Atmospheric Research is hereby making an open call to all and sundry to submit full manuscripts of research papers for probable publication in 2019 Monograph of Atmospheric Research. Areas of interest include, physics of lower atmosphere (Meteorology), ionospheric studies, air quality research, atmospheric chemistry, environmental research and space weather.

This edition is also soliciting submission of full manuscripts of all papers presented during the National Air Quality Workshop that took place in Bowen University, 28 – 29 August 2019 and the International Colloquium on Equatorial and Low Latitude Ionosphere which held at University of Lagos, 9-13 September 2019. Participants who were unable to make presentation due to reasons beyond their control but whose papers are relevant to the themes of the workshop are also welcome.

Submitted manuscripts will undergo rigorous peer reviews (double blinded). All accepted manuscripts will be collected in a single volume as a special issue (Monograph) and published in 2019 Monograph of Atmospheric Research

Deadlines for Manuscripts
Submission opens on Tuesday 01 October, 2019
Submission closes on Monday 06 January, 2020 by 11:59pm local time.
Peer reviews begins    immediately an article is submitted and passed the CONFORMITY CHECK
Published Monograph will be ready by Monday 02 March 2020

 Guidelines for Manuscript Submission: Authors are advised to prepare and submit their manuscripts in MS Word bearing in mind the following guidelines.

Title Page: should contain succinct and unambiguous title that conveys the research, names and affiliation of author(s). Telephone number(s) and email addresses of the corresponding author should be clearly indicated.

Note: names should be written with Initials first, then Surname e.g K. T. Balarabe and M. O. Ajala

Abstract: abstracts containing no more than 350 words should be provided on a separate page different from the title page. The abstract should highlight the research problem(s), the approach employed, important findings and the relevance of outcomes to the general public. Meanings of acronyms (if any) must be provided. Unless extremely important, references are not required in the abstract.  We encourage authors to list five (5) keywords describing the focus of their work.

Main Body of Manuscript: The text of the manuscript must be written in a scientific manner with simple, clear and spell-checked English language. The manuscript should contain, but not limited to, the following headings. Where applicable sub-headings should be used but numbered appropriately (e.g. 1.1, 1.2….. 2.1, 2.2 etc.)

  1. Introduction: A brief introduction of the work carried out should be provided. Authors should carefully highlight the need for the work (i.e. a clear statement of the problem), a brief review of past research in the area and the knowledge gap being addressed. Relevant and up to date references should be sufficiently cited.
  2. Materials and Methods: should be detailed enough to allow possible verification of experimental work. Previously published methods should be cited, and important modifications of published methods should be mentioned appropriately.
  3. Results and Discussion: results should be presented with clarity and precision. Discussions should focus on the interpretation and implications of results obtained. Repetition of results already presented in Tables and Figures should be minimal in the discussion. Figures and Tables: high resolution maps and illustrative figures should be provided and well tilted. Tables should have minimal rows and columns lines and not excessively designed. Figures and Tables should be number separately and sequentially in the order in which they appear in the text using Aramaic numerals.
  4. Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main findings of the work and future research direction.

Acknowledgement: where applicable, acknowledgement is very important but must be kept very brief.

Conflict of Interest: Authors are required to declare any relevant competing interest(s) of personal, professional or financial nature which may otherwise potentially jeopardize the credibility of their work.

References:  references in the text should be cited with the author’s followed by the year of publication in parentheses. When there are only two authors, both names must be cited. However, if there are more than two authors, only the first author’s name should be cited followed by ‘et al’. In the event that an author cited has two or more works published during the same year, the reference, both in the text and in the reference list, should be identified by a lower case letter like ‘a’,  ‘b’ , ‘c’ and so on  after the years of publication to distinguish the works.


In text:

Najib (2000), Musa et al. (20010), (Saleh and Orupe, 2017), (Arotipin, 1998; Popoola,
2006a, b; Adebisi, 1993, 1995)

 In reference list:

Assamoi, E. M. and Liousse, C. (2010) A new inventory for two-wheel vehicle emissions in West Africa for 2002. Atmospheric Environment, 44, 3985–3996

Edokpa, D. O. and Nwagbara, M. O. (2017) Atmospheric stability pattern over Port-Harcourt, Nigeria. Journal of Atmospheric Pollution. 5(1), 9-17

Adon, M., Yobou, V.,  Galy-Lacaux, C,  Liousse, C., Diop,B.,   Doumbia, E.T., Gardrat, E., Ndiaye, S.A. and Jarnot, C. (2016) Measurements of NO2, SO2, NH3, HNO3 and O3 in West African urban environments. Atmospheric Environment. 135, 31-40.

PLEASE visit https://carnasrda.com/2018monograph/ for samples of previous articles to guide your article for FORMAT COMPLIANCE

Submit Your Manuscripts here 

October 2024