Theme: Harnessing space science and technologies to advance national health

17th to 20th May 2021 (Arrival Monday 17th May, Departure from midday Thursday 20th May)
Venue: University of Medical Sciences, Laje Road, Ondo City, Ondo State


  • Centre for Atmospheric Research, National Space Research & Development Agency, Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, Anyigba, Kogi State.
  • University of Medical Sciences, Ondo City, Ondo State.

 Aim of the workshop:
The workshop aims at sharing knowledge and experiences on applications of space research and technology in medicine and allied sciences among academics, researchers and practitioners in health and medicine, health administrators, space practitioners, and policy makers interested in application of space dependent technology in advancing medical practice towards enhancing health care delivery.

Brief Background:
Space research and technologies have continued to improve the quality of human life in general. Space-dependent technologies have great potential to transform our health care delivery. For example, communication satellites enable long-distance communications in places on Earth where there is no telephone infrastructure. One public health application of this is in telemedicine or tele-health, where health workers in remote locations are linked via satellite communications with health experts in specialised facilities or patients are linked with health professionals for consultations and support anywhere in the world. Space technological tools also greatly facilitate epidemiological surveillance by assisting in identifying and tracking public health issues. Monitoring and tracking the effects of climate change with space science and technologies is also critical for food security and by extension healthy nutrition in the population. Global Positioning System (GPS) technology helps to pinpoint the location of a suspected origin of an infection, the index case(s) or foci of the infection, Triangulating satellite data on population densities, climate and terrain for example, can provide accurate risk maps and inform the appropriate epidemiological response to epidemics of highly infectious or emerging infections such as malaria, Lassa Fever, Ebola or COVID-19.

Health research in the past 10 years has been greatly facilitated by space science and technology. Space technological tools and innovations from space research have significantly impacted health care delivery and research in advanced nations. Creating synergy between the space and health domains will enhance efforts towards the delivery of effective, efficient, accessible, and affordable health services and by extension the socio-economic development of the country. The workshop is designed for health researchers, medical practitioners, health officers, scientists and policymakers who wish to acquire new knowledge on space science and technologies for application in health care delivery and research.

The workshop objectives are to:

  • create awareness of the relevance, importance and application of space dependent technologies in health.
  • showcase various advances in application of space-dependent technologies in medicine.
  • promote the use of space-technological tools and innovations in medical and health sciences.
  • sensitize the participants to health research domains that interphase with space sciences and technology.
  • identify areas where space technology can enhance health care and policy in Africa.
  • facilitate the development of the framework for a work plan on applications of space science and technology in health, by participants.

Sub Themes

  1. Telemedicine, telehealth and health care delivery
  2. Space-technological tools such as GIS in epidemiology
  3. Emerging infectious diseases (e.g., COVID-19) and the environment
  4. Air quality and respiratory diseases
  5. Tracking climate change and evolving disease epidemiology
  6. Tracking climate change and food security

Paper/Abstract Submission
All abstract submission should be made online via this webpage.

The abstract should be written in MS Word with no more than 300 words, 1.5 spacing and submitted in English Language only. Unless extremely important, references should not be cited in the abstract. Authors should please provide a maximum of 5 keywords relevant to their abstract. Proceedings of the workshop will be peer reviewed and published. Authors must commit to developing their presentation into a manuscript format for review and publication.

Target Audience and Application for participation:
Applications are invited from academics, researchers, and practitioners in relevant fields as well as and policy makers with keen interest in application of space science and technology for health care delivery and research. Participation is limited to 40 participants only. Participants will receive certificates of attendance.

Applications must be submitted on line at [Application Form].

Key Dates for the Workshop

  • Application and submission of abstract deadline – Friday 30th April [11.59 pm local time (GMT +1)]
  • Early registration deadline – Friday 30th April
  • Late registration deadline – Sunday 16th May
  • Arrival for the workshop             Monday 17th May
  • End of Workshop Thursday 20th May

 Overview of activities

  • Day 1 (17th May): Arrival
  • Day 2 (18th May) : Opening / Morning / Afternoon sessions, reception cocktail
  • Day 3: (19th May): Morning / Afternoon sessions Workshop Dinner
  • Day 4: (20th May): Plenary, Presentation of certificates, Guided tours, sightseeing and Departure.

 Venue of the Workshop
The Workshop will take place at the Laje road campus of the University of Medical Sciences, Ondo, Ondo State, Nigeria (UNIMED). UNIMED is accessible from anywhere in Nigeria by air (Akure airport) and road. All selected and invited participants will receive an information package with details on travel and other local arrangements.

Registration for the Workshop
All participants are required to pay a registration fee to defray the costs of conference materials and lunch and tea breaks. A limited number of sponsored waivers are available for postgraduate students.

  • Early registration (up till 30th April 2021) ₦20,000-
  • Late registration (1st to 16th May 2021) ₦25,000-
  • On-site registration ₦30,000-
  • Postgraduate students (with evidence of studentship) ₦5,000-
  • Non Nigerian participants US$150-

Click here to pay registration fee

Accommodation and local transportation:
A list of suitable hotels and negotiated room rates for workshop participants will be made available on the workshop website. Participants shall be responsible for their room, board and all accommodation related expenses.  A Shuttle service will be provided to and from the workshop venue from designated hotels.


Ms Aderonke
Centre for Atmospheric Research,
National Space Research and Development Agency
Kogi State University, Anyigba.
Dr Oyetunde Oyeyemi
Central Office for Research & Development
University of Medical Sciences
Ondo city, Ondo State.


September 2024