Centre for Atmospheric Research (CAR), National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) Federal Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (FMSTI). Federal Republic of Nigeria. Prince Abubakar Audu University Campus, Anyigba. P.O.Box 380, Anyigba, Kogi State, Nigeria.
My research activities includes the following;
2004-to- 2012: Centre for Basic Space Science, Nsukka
National Moon Sighting Project
A pioneer member of the technical team of the National Moon Sighting Committee. This committee was established by the Centre for Basic Space Science under the supervision of the National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) as requested by the National Moon Sighting Committee headed by the Sultan of Sokoto,
Microwave Propagation in the Troposphere Project
This is a research carried out by the center using our own data generated from a network of automatic weather station Vantage Vue Pro 2 Davis instrument installed at various heights at different locations selected based on geographical vegetation and climate in Nigeria. The projected has over time yielded many research publications ranging from undergraduate projects to postgraduate theses that produces a reasonable number of PhDs, and articles in high index international reputable journals.
Nigerian Environmental and Climatic Observation Project NECOP
NECOP now call Atmospheric Monitoring Equipment Network (AMEN) under the umbrella of Tropospheric Data Acquisition Network (TRODAN) project is design towards fulfilling the Centre’s research goals in the lower atmosphere by providing a real time data to the scientist in Nigeria and Diaspora to be able to study our local meteorological and climatic conditions using in situ measurements.
Installations of NECOP/TRODAN Equipment
Participated in installations of equipment for the projects mentioned above in different universities in Nigeria through collaboration; these installations were carried-out in six Geo-Political zones in the country: Uthman Dan Fodio University, Sokoto. Federal University of Technology, Yola., Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, University of Jos, Plateau., Federal University of Technology, Akure among others. In addition, I lead a team that installed an automatic weather stations at ESUT, Enugu, ATBU, Bauchi, Ogbomoso, LAUTECH and UNIAGRIC, Makurdi among others in Nigeria.
Member of the team that has successfully established collaborations between CBSS and more than Ten Universities nationwide and also signed a Memorandum of Understanding MoU with these institutions
2012-to- Date: Centre for Atmospheric Research, CAR. Anyigba
Current Positions
Presently an employee with NASRDA’S Centre for Atmospheric Research, Prince Abubakar Audu University, Kogi State. Anyigba. Holding the following key positions:
- Presently in Acting Director capacity
- Head of Research and Development Division I of the Centre for Atmospheric Research
- Head of Lower Atmospheric Dynamics and Modeling Unit
- Project Manager: Tropospheric Data Acquisition Network (TRODAN)
Furthermore, I am privilege and honored to serve as Ag. Director of the Center on behalf of my Director (Prof. Babatunde Rabiu) who I have work directly under for Ten (10) good years, while he is on official engagements outside office from (2013-2016) and any other schedule assign to me by the Director. Additionally, by God’s grace a pioneer Scientific Officer that lead the technical team for Ten (10) years at the Centre for Atmospheric Research.
Ad hoc Position
- Supervisory Head of the Mosque Project Committee
- Headed various committees at the Centre
- Chairman Local Organizing Committee for many Workshops
- Secretary Local Organizing Committee for many Workshops
- Chairman Junior Staff Disciplinary Committee
Project Students Supervision
As part of the collaboration between the Centre for Atmospheric Research and Prince Abubakar Audu University among others, I assist to supervise students with interest in Atmospheric Sciences. I succeeded in supervising a reasonable number of Industrial Training Fund (ITF) and Undergraduate students. Also, I Co-supervised post graduate students including two Ph.Ds from University of Calabar (UNICAL) and Ebonyi State University (EBSU), Abakaliki. Some are below;
- Ogbe Enemona Titus (B.Sc. Physics), Variations of Total Electrons Content (TEC) in the Ionosphere for the Year 2010 at Nsukka South-Eastern Nigeria. (2014) Completed.
- Haruna Joseph (B.Sc. Physics), Investigation of the Effects of Solar Wind Speed on Cosmic Rays Intensity for the year 2010. (2014) Completed.
- Sunday (B.Sc. Physics), Effects of Solar Radiation on the Surface Temperature. (2014) Completed.
- Suleiman M. A. (B.Sc. Physics), Impact of M-class Flares events on the Total Electrons Content (TEC) in the Ionosphere.
- Wada U. H. (B.Sc. Physics), Influence of Solar Wind during Solar Maximum Cycle on the Earth’s Magnetic Field Components. Completed.
- Abdul U. (B.Sc. Physics), Seasonal and Diurnal Variations of Tropospheric Surface Radio Refractivity for the year 2013 at Anyigba, North-Central Nigeria. Completed.
- Babatunde B. B. (B.Sc. Physics), Dependability of Tropospheric Radio Signal Propagation on Weather Parameters Variations over Anyigba Using TRODAN Data.
- Arowosola O. (B.Sc. Physics), Variability of Sunspot Numbers during 11-year Solar Minimum Cycle. Completed.
2003-2004-Date: Ministry of Education Kano State
Employed on Permanent and Pensionable appointment as Education Officer II at the Ministry of Education, Kano State Government and posted to Senior Secondary School Sharada as Physics tutor. I thought as a Physics teacher for Seventeen months. After a couple of months as a teacher, the Principal and Management of the school appointed me as the head of department, Physics and a representative of the school authority on school fees collection for senior secondary classes.
2002-Date: National Identity Card
Work as an ad-hoc staff during National Identity Card Registration exercise as a mobile registration work station, at Bichi Local Government, Kano State. I was able to registered more than one thousand one hundred and fifty citizens within the scheduled period of the exercise.
2002-Date: National Youth Service Corps (NYSC)
I served in Kaduna state at the Jaji Military Cantonment as a teacher at joint Secondary School between the Military and Ministry of Education Kaduna State.
- Nigerian Institute of Physics (NIP)
- National Moon Sighting Committee
- Nigerian Meteorite Monitoring Committee
- Nigerian Meteorological Society
- Nigerian Atmospheric Research Committee
- Nigerian Geophysical Society (Treasurer)
- Nigerian Union of Radio Science (URSI) (Secretary LOC 2011)
- African Geophysical Society
- American Geophysical Union
- Nordic Society for Aerosol Research
- Received the Best Final Year (2000) undergraduate student, Project Award
- Received Commendation for exemplary service in the year 2014.
- Received Commendation for exemplary service in the year 2015.
- Received Commendation for exemplary service in the year 2016.
(a) Listed below are research articles/papers published in International peer-review journals:
- Yusuf, N., Said, R.S., Tilmes, S., and Gbobaniyi, E., (2021). Multi-year analysis of aerosol optical properties at various timescales using AERONET data in tropical West Africa.Elsevier J. of Aeros. Sci. 151 (2021) 105625.
- Yusuf, N., Ekpe, O.E., Said, R.S. et al., (2020).Seasonal and diurnal trends of surface refractivity in a tropical environment using ground-based automatic weather stations. Springer Meteorol Atmos Phys 132, 327–340.
- Yusuf, N., Daniel Okoh, Ibrahim Musa, Samson Adedoja, Rabia Said, (2017). A Study of the Surface Air Temperature Variations in Nigeria. Scopus (Bentham open) The Open Atmos. Scie, J., TOASCJ 11:54-70. DOI: 10.2174/1874282301711010054.
- Yusuf, Najib and Ayantunji, B.G. (2015). Correlation between the Sunspot Number and Tropospheric Surface Refractivity in a Tropical Region. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Interactions. Volume 133. P (1-6).
- Fawole, O. G., Yusuf, N., Sunmonu, L. A., Obafaye, A., Audu, D. K., Onuorah, L., et al. (2022). Impacts of COVID-19 restrictions on regional and local air quality across selected West African cities. GeoHealth, 6, e2022GH000597.
- Daniel Okoh, Loretta Onuorah, Babatunde Rabiu, Aderonke Obafaye, Kashim Dauda, Najib Yusuf, Oluwafisayo Owolabi,(2021). An application of artificial intelligence for investigating the effect of COVID-19 lockdown on three-dimensional temperature variation in equatorial Africa. Elsevier Geoscience Frontiers, 101318, ISSN 1674-9871,
- Daniel, O., Najib Yusuf, Adedoja, O., Ibrahim, O. A. and Babatunde Rabiu (2015). Preliminary Results of Temperature Modeling in Nigeria using Neural Networks. RMETS Wiley: Weather: 70(12):336-343. DOI: 10.1002/wea.2559.
- Onuorah, L.O., Agbo, G.A., Okoh, D.I., Yusuf N, and Gabriel F. Ibeh., (2022). Tropospheric radio refractivity trends over vegetation regions in Nigeria. Meteorol Atmos Phys 134, 66 (2022).
- Ajileye, O.O., Otu, J.O., Yusuf, N., Akinola, O.O., (2020). Rainfall Intensity and Evapotranspiration Patterns Nexus over Nigeria in Different Solar Cycles. (Past name: British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, Past ISSN: 2231-0843, NLM ID: 101664541). J. of Appl. Sci. and Techn. 39(11): 43-57, 2020; Article no.CJAST.55694, ISSN: 2457-1024. DOI: 10.9734/CJAST/2020/v39i1130647.
- Lanre Daniyan, Okeke Pius, Najib Yusuf, and Nasiru Aliyu (2013). ‘A New Wireless Telemetry System for Meteorological Application’. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research. IJSER. Vol. 4. Issue 8.
- Aladodo, S. S, Mathew, D. E, Otu, J. O., Najib Yusuf., Akoshile, C. O., (2018). Diurnal and Interannual Variability of Rainfall in Nigeria Climatic Zones as Seen from In-situ and Satellite Measurements. of Envir. and Earth Sci., Vol 8, No 2. ISSN (Paper) 2224-3216 ISSN (Online) 2225-0948.
- Emeka Ojobo, Daniel Okoh, David Okeya, Najib Yusuf, George Adukwu., (2017). The Response of Meteorological Parameters to the September 1 2016 Solar Eclipse as Observed in Anyigba. Research & Reviews: Journal of Space Science & Technology. RRJoSST, Volume 6, 16-24Issue 1 ISSN: 2321-2837. ISSN: 2321-6506.
- Said, R.S., Gabriel, F.I., Garba, M.B. and Najib Yusuf., (2015). Variation of Solar Radiation and its Correlation with Weather Parameters using Statistical Analysis at Yola, North-Eastern Nigeria. Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics. Volume 29, P (319-324).
- Ayantunji B. G., Okeke P.N., Urama J.O., and Najib Yusuf., (2011c). A Semi-Empirical Model for Vertical Extrapolation of Surface Refractivity over Nigeria. The African Review of Physics, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. Vol. 6: 0004, 121-128.
(b) Listed below are research articles/papers published in national peer-review journals:
- Najib Yusuf, Balogun T. A., Agbor A.G., and Ayantunji B. G. (2013). Seasonal Variation of Weather Parameters over Anyigba North-Central Nigeria. Nigeria Journal of Space Research, Volume 11. P (91-95).
- Okeke, F.N., Ayantunji, B.G., Najib Yusuf, Hanson, E.A., Ugbor, D.O., Ugonabo, O.J., Okere, B.I. and Keith Groves. Preliminary Study of Total Electron Content (TEC) Study from GPS/SCINDA Data in Nsukka (2011). Nigerian Journal of Space Research. Volume 10. P (253-265).
- Ayantunji, B.G., Okere, B.I., Najib Yusuf, Hanson, E.A. and Okeke, P.N. (2011). Investigation of the Seasonal Dependence of Range Error for L and S Bands Signal on Satellite-Earth Path. Nigerian Journal of Space Research. Volume 10. P (110-121).
- Okeke, P.N., Okere, B.I., Yusuf Najib, Ofodum, C.N., Ayantunji, B.G., and Nasiru Aliyu. (2011). Studies of Near Earth Objects (Meteorite) which Landed in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Space Research. Volume 10. P (1-8).
- Ofodum, C.N., Inwelegbu, B.I., Okere, B.I., Yusuf, N., Obi, I.A., Musa, I.A., Aliyu, N., Esaenwi, S., Sigalo, F.B. and Okeke, P.N. (2011). A Review of Moon Sighting Research Project at the Centre for Basic Space Science, Nsukka. Nigerian Journal of Space Research. Volume 10. P (9-20).
- Okeke, P.N., Falodun, S.E., Ayantunji, B.G. and Najib Yusuf. Radiowave Propagation Measurements in Nigeria: Preliminary Reports (2011). Nigerian Journal of Space Research. Volume 10. P (81-99).
- Hanson E. A., Ayantunji B.G., Najib Yusuf, Iloanusi N.L. and Okeke F.N., (2011). Empirical Formula for Solar Irradiance, Soil and Air Temperatures Variations in Nsukka, South Eastern Nigeria, using NECOP Data. Nigerian Journal of Space Research, Volume 10. P (131-140).
- Aliyu Nasiru, Ayantunji, B.G., Najib Yusuf, Inwelegbu, J.O. and Daniyan, L.O. Design and Construction of Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance (SID) Monitor (2011). Nigerian Journal of Space research. Volume 10. P (157-167).
- Najib Yusuf., Ayantunji B. G., Agbo, A.G., Hanson, E.A. and Nasiru, A., (2010). Investigation of the Effects of Surface Temperature on the Soil Temperature at the Depth of 10cm during High and Low Solar Wind Speed at Nsukka South-Eastern Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Space Research. Volume 7.
- Ayantunji B. G and Okeke P.N, Okere B. I Najib Yusuf, and Chinyere O. (2009). Surface Variation of Radio Refractivity at Nsukka for the Months of September 2006 to August 2007. Nigerian Journal of Space Research, Volume 6. P (145-152).
- Ekpe O. E, Agbo G.A., Ayantunji B.G., Najib Yusuf and Onugwu A.C, and (2009), Variation of Tropospheric Surface Refractivity at Nsukka South-Eastern Nigeria. Nigeria Journal of Space Research, P (42-48).
- Ayantunji B. G Najib Yusuf and Okeke P. N. (2009), Experimental Investigation of Multipath Fading in Minna North-Central Nigeria Using the Method of Small Percentage of Time. Nigeria Journal of Space Research. Volume 6. P (153 -161).
(c) Listed below are Workshops/Conferences/Seminars research papers presentations:
- S Tilmes, N Yusuf, R Buchholz, R Said, F Lacey, (2021). Source Contributions to Nigerias Atmospheric O3, CO and NO2 Concentrations and the Impact on Africa.AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, A35G-1725
- Najib Yusuf., (2020). Paper presentation title “Analysis of the impact of Nigerian Aerosols and Ozone on climate and air quality in tropical west Africa”. Thesis final defense seminar at the department of Physics, Bayero University, Kano.
- Najib Yusuf, Simone Tilmes, Rabia, S. S. and Emiola G. (2018). Paper presentation title “Description and comparison of aerosol optical thickness and single scattering albedo using AERONET data and CESM CAM-chem in the tropics”. Seminar paper presented at Physics Department BUK and ACOM National Centre for Atmospheric Research. Foothills Lab. Boulder. CO. United State.
- Najib Yusuf and Rabia Said S., (2018). Paper presentation title “An Insight on the Climatology of Aircraft to and fro LOS and Total Column Ozone Measurements as a Detriment on AQ and Ecosystem”. Workshop paper presented at the 1st National Workshop on Air Quality 13-16 March, 2018. Centre for Atmospheric Research NASRDA. Anyigba.
- Najib Yusuf, Simone Tilmes, Rabia Said, S., (2017). Paper presentation title “Investigation into the impact of Nigerian Aerosols and Ozone on Global Climate. Ph.D. Proposal. February 2017.
- Najib Yusuf et al, (2017). Paper presentation title “Atmospheric Measurements and AQ Program at the Centre for Atmospheric Research (CAR), Anyigba” PMEH World Bank Symposium, July 2017 Lagos.
- Najib Yusuf et al, (2017). Paper presentation title “The Study of Surface Temperature Variations in Nigeria” 4th Nigerian Geophysical Society Conference. BUK. Kano May 2017.
- Najib Yusuf et al, (2017). Paper presentation titled “Viewing Outer Space from Earth” Space Week Outreach for Primary and Secondary Schools, Lokoja. October 2017.
- Najib Yusuf et al, (2017). Paper presentation title “Activities of the Research and Development Division of the Centre for Atmospheric Research (CAR), Anyigba” CAR Retreat January 2017.
- Najib Yusuf et al, (2017). Paper presentation title “Temperature Variations and the Recent Climate Change in Nigeria” CAR Internal Seminar 2017.
- Najib Yusuf, (2017). Paper presentation title “Air Quality Program at the Centre for Atmospheric Research (CAR), Anyigba” CAR Internal Seminar 2017.
- Najib Yusuf et al., (2015). Preliminary Results of Temperature Modeling in Nigeria using Neural Networks. Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification in Climate Modeling and Projection presentation at The Abduls Salaam International Centre for Theoretical Physics ICTP. July 2015. Trieste Italy.
- Najib Yusuf, (2014). TRODAN Data Repository in the Science Gateway Africa Grid. Leveraging Science Gateways and Virtual Research Communities in Africa E-Science. E-infrastructure for Africa, Africa Grid Science Gateway. University of Lagos. March 2014.
- Najib Yusuf et al, (2014). Atmospheric Measurements at the Centre for Atmospheric Research (CAR). 1st African Geophysical Society Annual Conference. Abuja. June 2014.
- Najib Yusuf et al, (2014). Atmospheric Measurements at the Centre for Atmospheric Research (CAR). 1st West African Workshop on Air Quality Measurement and Modeling. Abuja. June 2014.
- Najib Yusuf et al, (2013). An Introduction to Tropospheric Data Acquisition Network TRODAN. 2nd Cyril Onwumichili School of Upper Atmospheric Physics (Matlab Program for Atmospheric Research). CAR-KSU June 2013.
- Najib Yusuf et al, (2013). Tropospheric Data Acquisition Network: An Archive for Data Dissemination. Centre for Satellite Technology Development CSTD Week. Abuja 2013.
- Najib Yusuf et al, (2013).Tropospheric Data Acquisition Network (TRODAN): Towards a Data Archive for Atmospheric and Related Sciences. Nigerian Meteorological Society Conference. Abuja. December 2013.
- Najib Yusuf et al, (2013). TRODAN data on Africa Grid Science Gateway. University of Nigeria, 1-Day Hands-on Workshop on Grid Computing User Applications for Academics and Research Communities.
- Najib Yusuf and Ekpe, O.E. (2013), Solar Photospheric Index Variability Forcing of Climate Change on Seasonal Scales in Anyigba North-Central Nigeria. Published in Nigerian Meteorological Society Proceedings. P (103-06).1st -4th December, 2013.
- Najib Yusuf (2013). Tropospheric Data Acquisition Network (TRODAN): Towards a Data Archive for Atmospheric and Related Sciences. Published in Nigerian Meteorological Society Proceedings. P (107-112).1st -4th December, 2013.
- Najib Yusuf and Ofodum, C., (2012). Islamic Views on Moon-Sighting. NASRDA Moon Sighting Seminar Presentation. NASRDA Head Quarters, Abuja. (2012).
- Najib Yusuf et al, (2012). 3-Weeks Training on Microwave Propagation Project, Data Download Reading, Conversion and Analysis. Training on Davis Pro Operations and Maintenance for CAR Technical Staff. (2012).
- Najib Yusuf et al, (2012). 3-Weeks Training on Operations, Data Analysis and Maintenance of an Automatic Weather Station for CAR Technical Staff. (2012).
- Ayantunji B.G., Okeke P.N., Urama J.O and Najib Yusuf., (2011e). Anomalous Propagation over Nigeria. Proceedings of International Conference on Space Science and Communication, Penang, Malaysia.
- Ayantunji B.G., Najib Yusuf., Onah O.A., Obi I., and Okeke P.N., (2011b). A Semi-Empirical Model for Predicting Signal Strength at UHF and VHF Bands using Refractivity Measurement at Nsukka. South-Eastern Nigeria. Proceeding of the 4th URSI- Nigeria conference.
- Ayantunji B. G and Najib Yusuf., (2010). Experimental Study of Clear Air Conditions and its Implication on Microwave Communication in Minna, Nigeria. Nigerian Institute of Physics (NIP) Conference, Maiduguri, April 2010.
- Ayantunji B.G, Osita U.C, Najib Yusuf, Hanson E.S and Okeke P.N., (2010). Preliminary Investigation of Temperature Variation over Nsukka. NIP Conference, Maiduguri, April 2010.
- Ayantunji B.G, Okere B. I, Najib Yusuf., Hanson E.A, Osita U.C. and Okeke P. N., (2009). Preliminary Investigation of TEC Disturbance on Satellite Tracking using GPS/SCINDA Receiver over Nsukka. Nigeria GNSS conference, Abuja, November 2009.
- Ayantunji B. G., Najib Yusuf and Okeke P. N., (2009) Experimental investigation of Multipath Fading in Sokoto Nigeria. Accepted for presentation at The International Conference on Space Science and Technology, Thessaloniki, Greece, July, 2009 and Conference on Progress in Electromagnetic Research in Moscow, Russia, August, 2009.
- Ayantunji B.G, Najib Yusuf, Hanson E.A, Osita U.C, and Okeke P.N., (2009). Preliminary Investigation of Anomalous Propagation in Sokoto, Nigeria. Nigeria. GNSS conference, Abuja, November, 2009.
- Najib Yusuf, (2020). Analysis of the Impact of Nigerian Aerosols and Ozone on Climate and Air Quality in Tropical West Africa. PhD Thesis, Department of Physics, Bayero University, Kano.
- Najib Yusuf and Ekpe, E.E (2014). Effects of Sunspot Number on the Tropospheric Surface Radio Refractivity in Lagos and Anyigba. Master of Science in Astrophysics, Dissertation. Department of Industrial Physics, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki
- Najib Yusuf and Ezema, F.I. (2009). Effects of Solar Wind on the Earth’s Magnetic Field. Submitted as Project in Post Graduate Diploma in Physics, Department of Industrial Physics, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria.
- Najib Yusuf and Duwa S. S. (2000). Suppressions and Restorations of Constants in Physical Equations. Submitted as Undergraduate Project in Physics Department at Bayero University Kano. Received the Best Final Year (2000) student, Project Award.
- Najib Yusuf, Daniyan, O. L., Oladosu, O. R., and TRODAN team, (2014). A Review of Tropospheric Data Acquisition Network (TRODAN) Project-Nigeria. Supervisor: Prof. Babatunde Rabiu, Director, CAR.
- Ayantunji B.G, Najib Yusuf., and Osita U. Chinyere., (2011). Technical Report on Microwave Propagation study over Nigeria. CBSS Nsukka.
- Najib Yusuf et al., (2017). Evaluation of potential of solar energy application in Nigeria: Solar Radiation Observation from TRODAN measurements. Under review.
Earth System Physics-Atmospheric Physics (Climate and Air Quality) Observations and Modeling.
- Community Earth System Model V. 2.0 Tutorial 06-10 August, 2018. Climate and Global Dynamic Division. National Centre for Atmospheric Research. Mesa Lab. Boulder. CO. United States.
- Fundamentals of Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosol Modeling 13-15 August, 2018. ACOM National Centre for Atmospheric Research. Foothills Lab. Boulder. CO. United States of America.
- 5th International Conference of the Nigerian Geophysical Society 19-22 June 2017. Federal University Dutse. Jigawa.
- Uncertainty Quantification in Climate Modelling and Projection, ICTP Trieste (2015). Italy.
- Community Earth System Model Tutorial, NCAR Boulder, Colorado (2015). . United States of America.
- E-Infrastructure for Africa, Africa Grid Science Gateway, Lagos (2014)
- 1st African Geophysical Society Annual Conference, Abuja (2014).
- 1st West African Workshop on Air Quality Measurement and Modelling, Abuja (2014). Join Sponsor and Organized by CAR-NASRDA, Nigeria and NCAR Boulder. CO. USA.
- A 1-Day Hands-on Workshop on Grid Computing User Applications for Academics and Research Communities, UNN Nsukka (2014).
- Training on High Altitude Equipment for Atmospheric Measurement. Mingwei Electronics and Technology, Fuxin, Liaoning Province, Shenyang. China. (2013)
- 2nd Cyril Onwumechili Matlab School CAR Anyigba (2013).
- Special Astronomy Summer School/Workshop for West Africa, Abuja (2013).
- Centre for Satellite Technology Development CSTD Week, Abuja (2013).
- Nigerian Meteorological Society (NMETS) Conference. Reiz Hotel Abuja. (2013).
- 4th National Annual Conference of the Nigerian Union of Radio Science URSI. (2011).
- International Space Weather Initiative ISWI. Abuja. (2010).
- Global Navigation Satellite System, First Nigerian Meeting. National University Commission, Abuja. (2009).
- Data Planning, Data Analysis, Evaluation and Reports. Collage of Arts, Management and Technology Aba. (2008)
- African Region International School (AFRIS). International Heliophysical Year (IHY). Enugu State. (2008).
- Nigerian Climatic Observation Project and Microwave Propagation Project workshop. Centre for Basic Space Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. (2007).
- Effective Computer Operations workshop. Collage of Arts, Management and Technology Aba. (2007).
- Workshop on Leadership and Research Methodology. GOA Financial and Consultancy Services Limited. (2007)
- Commissioning/workshop on Geodesy and Geodynamics. Centre for Geodesy and Geodynamics, Toro, Bauchi State. (2005).
- Women in the Nuclear Field: Perspectives from Nigeria, Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine. Visiting Fellows Program Award to Professor (Mrs.) Rabia Salihu Said. June 8, 2020 Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS). CNS Webinar. ZOOM Meeting.
- The Article Publishing Process: An Elsevier Author Workshop Core Research Solutions Consultant ELSEVIER Date Time: Jun 1, 2020 01:00 PM Harare, Pretoria. ZOOM Meeting.
- Contribution of Prof. Clement O. Akoshile to Atmospheric Sciences. 29th September. CAR and University of Ilorin. ZOOM Meeting.
- All–Atlantic Summit. Series of lectures from October 5-9 2020. Air Centre Philadelphia, PA. ZOOM Meetings.
- Series of meetings organized by the Centre and Head Quaters in the Covid-19 Lockdown period. ZOOM, What’s app Meetings.
- Environment/COVID-19 in Africa seminars. Department of Meteorology, Alliance for Education, Science, Engineering and Design in Africa (AESEDA) 605 Walker Building. 11th October- 29th November. Professor GREGORY S JENKINS. ZOOM Meetings.
- Deutsche Welle DW Radio Germany Hausa Service interview on Heatwaves and climate impact 2019.
- Deutsche Welle DW Radio Germany Hausa Service interview on extreme precipitation and flood in Nigeria 2019.
- Vision FM interview Hausa Service 1 hr 30 mins interview on Air Pollution impact on health and environment in Nigeria 2020.
Reading, Research and Documentaries.
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