Former Director/CEO CAR from 2013 to 2022

Babatunde RABIU is a Professor of Physics and at moment the Director of the African Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in English (ARCSSTE-E), Ile-Ife

  • He was a Deputy Director in the Space Agency between 2010 and December 2012.
  • He was appointed a Professor of Space Physics by the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria on 1st October 2010.
  • He started his teaching career at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, in 1993.
  • His research interest lies mainly in Ionospheric Physics, Space Weather and Solar Terrestrial Interactions.
  • He was named the Young Scientist of the Year 2000 in Nigeria by the Third World academy of Science, Italy, in collaboration with the Nigerian Academy of Science.
  • He is a renowned Space Physicist with passion for observational facilities in Africa.
  • He was a postdoc fellow at the National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, india in 2004; and a visiting Associate Professor to the Solar Terrestrial Environment Laboratory of the Nagoya University, Japan in 2008.
  • He is a visiting Professor to a number of African Universities and has been a regular visiting Professor to the International Centre for Space Weather Science and Education ICSWSE (Formerly Space Environment Research Center) of Kyushu University, Japan since 2008.
  • He is a member of many professional bodies including American Geophysical Union, African Geospace Society, Japan Geoscience Union, Nigerian Institute of Physics, International Academy of Astronautics and US Institute of Navigation.
  • At moment he is the national coordinator of the International Space Weather Initiative and serve on the international steering committee of the UN/NASA–endorsed global cooperation.
  • He has published many scholarly articles in reputable journals and has been to many academic conferences/workshops.
  • One of his numerous classical work is “Rabiu, A.B., Onwumechili, C.A., Nagarajan, N., Yumoto, K., 2013. Characteristics of equatorial electrojet over India determined from a thick current shell model. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 92, 105-115. 10.1016/j.jastp.2012.10.014”.
  • He has successfully supervised more than 5 PhDs and more than 15 MSc in his chosen area of research.
March 2025