
The application of object-oriented programming and other advances in computer science to the atmospheric sciences has in turn led to advances in modeling and analysis tools and methods. In recent times, the open-source language, Python, has been at the forefront of the application of such advances.

To many scientists using climate and atmospheric datasets, object-oriented programming in general, and Python in particular, seems mysterious and remote. However, while there are number of tutorials and other curricula online (and in the literature) to introduce a newcomer to Python, few are geared to the specific needs of climate and atmospheric scientists.  This prompted the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use, Doctoral Research Programme in West African Climate System (WASCAL DRP-WACS), Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria and the Centre for Atmospheric Research (CAR), of the National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) Anyigba, Nigeria to mount a week intensive python programming college for Nigerian science community especially those in atmospheric and climate-related research. This course will provide a gentle introduction to the participants. We expect all participants to have elementary programming experience and working knowledge of climate data either in ASCII format and /or in NETCDF convention. The programme will take place at the Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria

Method of Application:

The participants would be drawn from different parts of Nigeria. The college is free of charge but the participants are expected to secure own support for their transportation, accommodation and boarding.  There are budget hotels in and around FUTA campus.

Application Dateline: 25th April, 2019

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